
  Gender diagnosis gap

Many autistic women and girls are still struggling to get the support they need.      This article from the National autistic society:

  • explains about the gender diagnosis gap,
  • shares stories from autistic women and girls,
  • shares some theories on why more men and boys are being diagnosed as autistic.

Click icon to view.

  What is it like?

What Does Autism Spectrum Disorder Look Like in Adults?       Click icon for a readable article from ADDitude mag.

  Meet Keran

Keran Bunker is 33.      He has always struggled to keep jobs or a place to live and did not find out he had autism with ADHD until he was-33.       Click play button for his video.

CANadda is a Lincoln based support group for adults on the Autism Spectrum and associated conditions. 
Click heading to see their website.     See also:   events.

You need to log in to Facebook for both.

 National Autistic Society

The National Autistic Society website has several pages aimed at adults with autism or Asperger’s syndrome, including one on making friends.     Click on the icon to browse.     It includes a search box and a menu of topics.

 Justice system

Autistic people are more likely to be victims and witnesses of crime than offenders.      If you witness a crime, or are the victim of a crime, you might be interviewed by the police and go to court.      The National Autistic Society has produced a page to help explain the justice system.       Click icon to view.


Getting an autism diagnosis can be long process.      If you want confirmation and recognition of your condition you need to be referred for assessment, which may lead to a diagnosis.

Tap button for more:

Click icon to find out about diagnosis and how you might go about getting one.

  After diagnosis

The National autistic society has produced a guide for autistic adults after diagnosis.     It highlights things to consider and provides several web links.     Click icon to browse.

See also our item on Understanding your diagnosis as a young adult.


Many autistic people have sleep problems at some time.     Sleeping may be more difficult than for other people.     Click icon for a selection of guidance on the web.

See also

There may be relevant material elsewhere in this website,
e.g.  College & University.

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