The National autistic society takes a look at developing communication. This takes a broad view, providing context for speech. They also offer some quick tips for communication.
Total communication
Total communication involves taking a holistic look at communication and picking the most effective methods for the individual. This might include speech. Integrated treatment services has a clear introduction to Total communication. Autistic realms outlines the history and discusses issues surrounding Total communication. Click icon to view.
See also our Visual aids page.
Speech and language UK
Speech and language UK offers a comprehensive picture of children’s communication issues. Click icon for guidance. It includes the following:
- Signs of difficulty – what to look out for
- Ages and stages of development – what is normal?
- Resource library. There are many fact sheets.
Talk to a therapist
- You can talk to a speech therapist on the phone for 30 minutes free of charge.
- You can take part in free webinars. Click icon to book either.
Their nearest speech and language assessment centre is Dawn House, Nottinghamshire.
Speech therapy
Lincolnshire NHS has an open referral system for children’s speech therapy. Parents can phone children’s therapy services to ask about it. Click icon for their social communication and autism page. Specifically see Speech and language therapy.
See also Family Services Directory. Speech therapy can cover a wide range of issues of significance to autism.
Private therapists
The Association of speech and language therapists in independent practice (ASLTIP) offers a search facility for private therapists. Click icon for search form.
- Here is their list of speech therapists catering for pre-school children with autism, within 30 miles of Grantham. The nearest is near Sleaford. Alternatively, they list many offering online therapy.
- Here is their guide to therapy for children.
Tips for parents
There are a number of ways to foster communication that can work alongside speech therapy. For more tips see this article in Verywell website. For a more detailed presentation see this page in Kinderly website. They provide training for professionals.
Aids & techniques
Paying attention is a key skill for learning but children with ASD tend to have shorter attention spans than other children.
Attention autism aims to help with this. It can be used to help to improve communication. Click button to find out more.
Visual aids and techniques may help young children to develop speech and language. Click button to find out more. It includes Mr Tumble and the Makaton language.
Lincolnshire NHS children’s therapy services website has a Social communication and autism page. Click icon to browse. Scroll down for a list of expandable topics. They also have a page about their services.
Also, Norfolk NHS children’s and young people’s health services has a Speech and language section. It starts under communication development with Talk & play, before going on to a range of speech and language topics.
- Perhaps Attention autism, under extra help, might be worth pointing out. For more about it, see our page on this approach.
- Although you cannot access the services in Norfolk, their site might offer some helpful guidance. There are short video clips on some pages.
The girl who thought in pictures
Dr Temple Grandin did not speak until the age of 4. Doctors did not think she would ever speak but her parents refused to accept it. With determination, her unusual mind enabled her to improve animal welfare on farms around the world. Click icon to find video clips introducing the book. See also Amazon. The book contains an illustrated rhyming tale for children followed by reading matter for parents.
Children’s centre staff encourage parents to think beyond the disability: e.g. Come and play aims to promote independence, confidence and social skills. It may be good for toddlers with delayed speech. Little explorers could be another one to consider. See about children’s centres in Grantham or Wider area.
Even if a child does not develop speech, all is not lost. Click icon for a few examples.