Social skills
The National Autistic Society has set of pages about socialising and relationships with the autistic spectrum. The page about making friends could be the most relevant. Click icon to browse. Also:
- A young lady with Asperger’s wishes she had known some things about making friends.
- Seeing the world as others see it can be useful when interacting with people. See: Introduction Theory of mind
- A poem The galloping cat illustrates the problem of conflicting points of view.
You do not have to look far to see that relationship issues are of concern to all kinds of people. However, below are a few links offering handy insights into relationships for people with Asperger’s.
- Adult relationships PDF – bullet points
- Issues for partners PDF
- Radio programme – may well still be available to hear on-line: Why do so many women think their men have Asperger’s syndrome?
Aspie online groups
A quick search of Facebook shows an extensive list of groups for Aspies – that is people with Asperger’s syndrome. Here are a few that might catch your eye. Most of them are private groups.
- Support for Adult Aspies
- Aspie girl: a closed encounter
- The Hidden Aspie
- Asperger’s Life Support
- Aspie Misfits
For background information see: Using Facebook Safe social networking. Have a look before you get too far with Facebook.