

The Asperger”s syndrome foundation offers a fair bit of insight.     Click icon for their FAQ page.     See also: What is Asperger’s Syndrome?  (The links at the bottom are PDF files)     updated

The Asperger”s syndrome foundation offers a fair bit of clarity and insight.       Their FAQ page seems the most interesting.      Click icon to view.      See also: What is Asperger’s Syndrome?      Information sheetsPDFs       updated

Life on the spectrum

The people behind this website describe their work as championing fellow autistics.      Click icon for their introduction to assertiveness.      They see bullying and abuse as significant among people with Asperger’s and have an extensive section under that heading.

Online community

The National autistic society has an online community.       They say it is, focused on providing great information to our members & a platform where everyone can talk and help one another.      Click icon and scroll down to the bottom find out more.

 Steps 2 change

Steps 2 change is a free and confidential NHS service for anyone in Lincolnshire over the age of 16 who is feeling stressed, unhappy, depressed, sad, worried or anxious.      Click icon above for more information.     

Have a look at the options on the home page to get a feel for what they are offering.      There are several ways to access it.      There is a refer yourself option on the web page.      Alternatively, find contact information for year area, 

Cognitive behavioural therapy

People with high functioning Asperger’s syndrome may have well developed rational skills.      This could be valuable to help cope with the challenges of life.     It may be that they could benefit from talking through the way they perceive some things.      This is where Cognitive Behavioural Therapy* might come in.      Alternatively, the Asperger’s foundation has a quick outline PDF.      updated

Perhaps It might take time to establish the credibility of this approach in your own mind.      It may also take a while to find a therapist that can connect effectively.


What is Asperger’s Syndrome?       Click icon for a handy guide by the National autistic society.      See also brief Youtube videos:  slideshow         Ask the expert

Emotional wellbeing

  • Our Emontional wellbeing page has counselling and related services.      Click icon to browse.
  • The Counseling Directory can put you in touch will qualified counsellors in the Grantham area, or elsewhere, with expertise in Autism.

  Asperger experts

Danny Raede has discovered for himself ways of understanding and coping with the difficulties he experiences as someone on the spectrum.       He has formed Asperger Experts to guide and support others in the same boat.       

Click icon for their advice & how to page.       They also have an on-line community that you can join – see home.       See also: about

  Asperger girls

Reddit online forum has an Asperger girls page.       It has the title:  Life skills and healthy coping mechanisms for the ASD community.      Click icon to browse this page.      The questions they tackle are quite grown-up.       Their general Asperger’s page could be worth a look too.

  Survival guide

This on-line publication takes the form of brief bullet points divided up into chapters.      Click icon to browse.

See also

Social resources for people with Asperger’s.
Click icon to view.

Neurodiversity is a concept and a movement in support of people on the autistic spectrum.      It holds that autism is a valid way of being.     Click icon to find out more.

Shine Lincolnshire offers mental health support, and may be helpful to those with Asperger’s.     They may help to get life back on track.     Click icon to find them.

Key words

Psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy:  NHS

Pervasive Developmental Disorder:  description

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