Siblings, that is brothers and sisters, can be affected by their sibling on the autistic spectrum.
- The National Autistic Society has a page with information about siblings.
- Sibs website is all about siblings of disabled children and adults. For example, Top tips for
- It is not all bad news. For example, the Odyssey online’s post: What my autistic brother has taught me.
- NetMums has a discussion about Copy-cat siblings. Mums talk about a neuro-typical child copying one who is on the autistic spectrum. They also have a discussion about Explaining autism to a sibling.
- Here is a complete article about Explaining Aspergers to a child.
Lots of people have problems with sleep but autistic children can find sleeping particularly difficult. Click icon for our guide to sleep for children.
What age?
Select an age range icon for some resources that might help parents in supporting their children’s development:
The National autistic society has a set of three pages on communication:
- Quick tips to help communicate more effectively with someone on the spectrum.
- Tools and devices to help with communication – including social stories, comic strip conversations, and visual supports.
- Understanding and developing an autistic person’s communication
Click icon for the webpage. The NHS has a page about social communication & autism Scroll down for expanding topics.
Children on the autistic spectrum develop their own ways of thinking and coping with life.
See also our Safe social networking page.
Dogs for Good
Specially trained dogs can be a great help to people with autism but they are very hard to come by in the UK. Family dog workshops are much more accessible, though.
- Dogs for good has centres around the UK. To help families get the most out of their pet dog for a child with autism they hold workshops. The booking link at the bottom of the page takes you to locations of workshops, e.g. Lincoln. See also FAQ about the barriers and options.
- Here is a heart-warming story about a boy and his dog working together particularly well.
For an article about choosing pets for autistic children see: Children’s development specialists.
Emotional well-being
There seem to be some new resources and services developed to support for emotional well-being and mental health in Lincolnshire. Click icon for our guide.
Also Childline is a free, private and confidential service where you can be yourself. Get in touch about anything: online or on the phone at any time. See website.
Letting go
Yvonne Newbold is a writer, speaker and trainer who is also the mother to three children. She writes, One of the hardest parts of being a parent of someone who is very vulnerable is learning how to trust other people to share in the taking care of them. In my experience, the difference is nearly always entirely down to whether or not the staff member concerned and I, as the family member, have a good relationship, built on mutual trust, respect, acceptance and understanding.