New Eurostar trains Eurostar are replacing their original French built train sets with new German Siemens trains. There are plans to extend services to destinations in the Netherlands and Germany.
“In September 2013, Eurostar announced that its new service between London and Amsterdam, intended to begin operation in December 2016, would be operated by the trains. The first Class 374 set entered service in November 2015, ahead of the full launch of the new type; the receipt of the safety authorization from the Intergovernmental Commission was received earlier than expected, allowing Eurostar to begin utilizing the type on a small number of services for in-service testing.”. See Wikipedia for more information.
“Einstein’s gravitational waves ‘seen’ from black holes.” “Scientists are claiming a stunning discovery in their quest to fully understand gravity.” See article complete with video clip and pictures. In 1916 Albert Einstein predicted that gravity might be found to work like a kind of wave. See: PHD ComicsWikipedia
Chris Froome wins the 2015 Tour de France cycle race. See: The finishThe day before. The young Columbian runner-up might be one to watch next year.
A NASA space probe sped past Pluto in July 2015. See: article – with pictures from the probe and illustrations.
Steve Morsejoined Deep Purple in 1994, and this recording of Smoke on the Water has a particularly good version of the guitar solo. In the 1970’s most teenage boys knew the solo, and pretty much most of them with a guitar had a go at playing it.