Ambitious about autism has boiled down a lot of material to produce their toolkit: Right from the start. It is a guide to autism in the early years that takes parents through their autism journey up to starting school at the age of 4 or 5. It covers quite a lot. Broadly speaking there are three topics:
- Wondering whether your child is on the autistic spectrum
- Seeking a diagnosis – the autism pathway
- Living with autism – including education.
Click icon to find it, after any sponsored items.
Click icon to find it, after any sponsored items. To view toolkit, select:
Right from the start toolkit | Ambitious about autism PDF
The webpage contains many individual checklists as well as a download now button. Look for:
Parent toolkit – Ambitious about autism -> early years
Below are a few of the checklists from the toolkit. You need the whole toolkit, though, to get the explanations that go with them.
The autism pathway
This chapter is about getting a diagnosis.
For the GP appointment, requesting an autism assessment, they recommend you take a filled in Understanding your child checklist. It helps to make things clearer in your own mind and enables you to present a sound case for the GP to put your child forward for assessment.
Tap button to download the checklist, then use PDF viewer.
For the autism assessment they recommend taking the one above and a completed Appointment checklist. The idea is to enable you to present a clear picture of your child to the consultant – making all the key points needed for diagnosis.
Here is a compact version of the checklist to preview. Better to download the original if you can.
There does not seem to be an individual download for this checklist, so find it in the complete Right from the start toolkit via the icon at the top of this page.
Practical support
This chapter is mostly about getting support for a child with Special educational needs & disability (SEND) in childcare or school.
There is a form called Choosing childcare checklist to help make notes when visiting each setting or childcare provider. There are many kinds of registered childcare, including child-minders, private and maintained nurseries as well as those attached to a primary school. Ofsted registers and inspects them.
Tap button to download the checklist straight away.
Choosing a school
School admissions and applying for an EHC plan are two separate processes, even though they may run in parallel. A mainstream school should make all reasonable adjustments for a child with autism. Most children start school the September after they turn four, but parents can delay the start date if they think the child is not ready.
There is a form called School open day checklist to help think of what to note down about a school when you have a look around.
Click icon to view open day checklist.
Tap button to download, then open in PDF viewer.
There is also a form called SENCO meeting checklist to help think of what to ask, and to organise your impressions from a SENCO when choosing a school.
Click icon for SENCO checklist.
Download, then open in viewer.
There are more chapters in this toolkit that might be worth a look, including Education, health and care (EHC) plans. under the heading Practical_support. Find them in the complete toolkit, via the icon at the top of this page .